Author: TWISE

Hurricanes, Keto Diets and Ice Cream Lickers

Girl in Storm

In this podcast, Bailey and Wise take three disparate topics and expertly weave them into a seamless narrative. They first address hurricane preparedness and they do so in a most novel manner, one that thinking individuals would likely never consider, but in a way that is revelatory nonetheless. Next they explore some of the ancillary benefits of the popular Keto Diet. And finally they do a deep dive into the ice cream licking phenomenon, offering an acceptable path forward for both the licker and the consumer.

Smurf Pajamas

French Quarter

Welcome to the Bailey and Wise inaugural podcast. Today we tell a tale of a fella who recently took a swim in the Mississippi. In a time when everyone’s scrambling for notoriety, it’s a nice change of pace to see someone nonchalantly, with little fanfare dive into the river, in his pajamas. And we’re pretty sure this guy is OK. Folks in New Orleans are very resilient. In addition we also take a critical look at organized exercise classes. We conclude with a short meditation. Enjoy!

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