Thinking Man looking at mountains

They say the typical human uses ten percent of his brain. And of the that ten percent, roughly ninety percent is devoted to things like Grand Theft Auto and binge watching Netflix. That’s a whole lot of wasted brains and a pretty sad indictment of the modern human condition. Well despair not, you’re one of the lucky ones. You happen to be knocking on the door of the “Knowledge Vault.” Now there is no need to be intimidated, what you encounter beyond this door is not the same thing they were trying to force feed you in grade school. This brand of wisdom is light years beyond that, and once we give you a little taste of it, I guarantee you’ll be jonesing for more.


Man reading

Your brain is like a sponge, which if you think about it, is a pretty profound statement. Most folks fail to grasp this and instead assume it’s more like a bowling ball. Well a bowling ball, as they say “gathers no moss,” but a sponge on the other hand …. all it needs is to be placed in the proper environment and it can soak up to five times its weight. Well that big sponge bouncing around inside you’re skull has finally found a place to call home. So just sit back, stare at the screen and relax; we’ll do the rest. But you’re probably thinking to yourself, all this is just a bunch of words, right? You’re not yet buying into the idea that your brain is going to walk away filled with all this wisdom. Well you don’t have to take my word for it, you can instead turn to science. Here’s what you do, walk over to your bathroom scale and check your weight. In a couple of hours after visiting this site, repeat the process. I think you’re going to be pretty amazed. That difference in weight you’re seeing is the new found knowledge you’ve picked up from this site. So get ready, go grab a plate of spaghetti and meatballs, maybe a beer and come sit down for a few hours and swim in this rich milieu we’ve whipped up for you. Now it is my sincere hope, actually I’m pretty doggone certain, that you’re going to be using words like “milieu” when everything’s said and done. In fact I’m going to include a link right here to the definition. So when you’re down at the Dollar General tomorrow, try to use this word on as many people as you run into, and make sure you tell ’em about this site while you’re at it. Anyway, hope you got a little taste of what we’re up to here. God bless.